The HeartMath Institute in the USA discovered and proved scientifically in 1991 that the human heart has brain-similar cells, in total 40,000.
We, who we are so conditioned on thinking elusively with the brain, can only slowly and heavily digest this finding- brain cells in the heart?!?
Maybe the following helps: if we allow ourself a glimpse on old cultures and its rituals, then we discover that the knowledge about the immense importance of the heart has always been there.
If we connect the findings of the HeartMath institute with the old knowledge, then we open a new door to human consciousness.
What are the impacts on leadership?
By changing our attention from brain to heart, we get access to deep intuition, to compassion and generate a greater view on interdependence.
The good news: we do not need to wait for others, we do not need the „release“ in the organization, but each individual can start immediately.
If you need support to start with thinking with your heart, contact us, we are expert on this.
And we are happy if you share our blog.
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